Hi All.....As mentioned in my October schedule, November and December are my last
gig listings before my wife Kaori and I move to Japan. December's schedule will also
be here only on my promo site so check in here again in late November for December's
(my last) schedule. Happy Thanksgiving and be safe and well during the upcoming
Holiday Season. We have so much to be thankful for and I thank you all for your support!
1. Saturday the 1st.....SOLO.....3 to 4 pm.....for community residents
Villa San Ramon Senior Living
San Ramon
2. Saturday the 1st.....SOLO.....6:15 to 7:15 pm.....for community residents
Atria Senior Living Hillsdale
San Mateo
3. Sunday the 2nd.....SOLO.....5 to 8 pm
Chalet Ticino (a Swiss-Italian restaurant....very quaint)
1058-C Shell Boulevard
Foster City 94404
4. Monday the 4th.....SOLO.....2:30 to 3:30.....for community residents
Alma Via Senior Living
San Rafael
5. Tuesday the 4th.....QUARTET.....6 to 8 pm.....with saxophonist Melecio Magdaluyo
bassist Perry Thoresell & drummer Akira Tana for student jam session
San Francisco State University
Cesar Chavez Student Union ----- The Depot
6. Wednesday the 5th.....SOLO.....3 to 4:30 pm.....for business marketing event
Sunrise Senior Living
7. Thursday the 6th.....SOLO.....4 to 6 pm.....for business marketing event
Sunrise Senior Living
Palo Alto
8. Friday the 7th.....SOLO.....3 to 4 pm.....for community residents
MBK Senior Living
9. Friday the 7th.....SOLO.....7 to 10:30 pm
845 Main Street
Half Moon Bay 94019
10. Saturday the 8th.....SOLO.....3 to 4 pm.....for community residents
Atria Senior Living
Daly City
11. Saturday the 8th.....SOLO.....6:30 to 9:30 pm
Luceti's On 25th
109 West 25th Avenue
San Mateo 94403
12. Sunday the 9th.....TRIO with vocalist Margie Baker's trio.....10 am to 2 pm
Hyatt Regency Hotel
1333 Old Bayshore Highway
Burlingame 94010
13. Sunday the 10th
Same details as #3
14. Tuesday the 11th.....SOLO,,,,,11 am to 12:30 pm.....for Veterans Day event for residents
Sunrise Senior Living
15. Friday the 14th
Same details as #7
16. Saturday the 15th.....SOLO.....3 ti 4 pm.....for community residents
Atria Senior Living
17. Saturday the 15th
Same details as #9
18. Sunday the 16th.....SOLO.....2 to 3 pm.....for community residents
Alma Via Senior Living
San Francisco
19. Sunday the 16th
Same details as #3
20. Friday the 21st
Same details as #7
21. Saturday the 22nd.....DUO with vocalist Mayumi Abe.....8 to 9 pm
190 South Frances Street
Sunnyvale 94086
22. Sunday the 23rd
Same details as #10
23. Sunday the 23rd
Same details as #3
24. Monday the 24th.....SOLO.....7:45 to 8:45 pm.....for housing residents
The Peninsula Regent
1 Baldwin Avenue
San Mateo 94401
25. Tuesday the 25th.....SOLO.....2 to 3 pm.....for community residents
Westgate Villa Senior Living
5425 Mayme Avenue
San Jose 94129
26. Thursday the 27th.....SOLO.....12 noon to 1 pm.....for community residents
Kisco Senior Living
Los Altos
27. Thursday the 27th.....SOLO.....2:30 to 4 pm.....for community residents
Vintage Coventry Senior Living
San Francisco
28. Friday the 28th
Same details as #7
29. Saturday the 29th
Same details as #7
30. Sunday the 30th
Same details as #3